"We were born to be happy being ourselves"

'Your Calling is Within You!'Discovering Your Strength, Nature, and Mission.A Journey of Empowerment
The book by Natalia Amatulli © 2019


I was conducting another interview. Sitting across from me was a young brunette, tensely responding to my questions:
"So, you enjoy accounting? Your resume is impressive. But what exactly attracts you to it?" The girl flinched. A fleeting grimace of distress crossed her face. 

"Another candidate who hates their job," I thought to myself. "Why am I doing this? Why am I hiring unhappy people, only for them to continue suffering for money?" My mood soured. I wanted to bring happiness, not add to the world's misery. I firmly decided to change the direction of my career.
 Welcome! My name is Natalia, and I used to be a "humane recruiter" who really cared. I'm a coach on purpose, a teacher of self-understanding courses "Joy of Being Yourself" and "Who You Are and What Your Calling Is". I'm someone who first experienced the agony of loss, and then the joy of finding myself. Initially, I went through a long journey to find myself, and then I ended up hiring hundreds of people who had lost themselves. At some point, I realized that I cared and that I could help them much more.

I went through 10 years of searching for a job I loved, where I tried over 25 professions - from an insurance agent to a journalist, from a clothing store owner to a recruiter. And it saddens me to see people, just like I used to, choosing a job only for the salary or status, contrary to their nature, or searching for themselves by trying out different professions. I observed how employees' inner fire gradually dimmed, and the bright colors of life turned into dull, gray everyday life.

After yet another sad candidate, I decided to switch sides and start helping people choose a job they love. I began studying various career guidance methods, but none of them completely satisfied me; all had their drawbacks.

After several years of searching, I discovered an incredibly effective tool, which I used to develop my own methodology "Finding Your Calling in Two Steps". It turns out, understanding your calling is very simple when you know your nature and live it. I continued to consult using the new method, then launched a course to help even more people. My students have long been asking me to write a book. They believe these teachings should be taught in school - they make life so much easier and more pleasant. And now the book is in your hands! 

With it, I want to spread the idea of working with passion and a humane approach to recruiting that considers the nature of candidates, as widely as possible. My goal is for as many people as possible to feel happiness and enthusiasm from their work, and therefore create unique products and provide quality services. I want to spread this simple and effective method, making it available to as many people as possible, easing such an important life choice as the way of self-realization.

Before writing this book, there were:
- 6 editions of the author's course "Primary Elements of Life" (now "Joy of Being Yourself")
- the author's course "Finding Your Calling in Two Steps" (now "Who You Are and What Your Calling Is")
- related courses on understanding yourself and your loved ones, "Stress-Free Mom", and others
- more than 500 articles on the theme of self-realization
- more than 100 webinars and presentations on the theme of talents and calling
- over 1000 cases and results of people who have improved their lives or understood their calling using the Personality Elements method

I dedicate this book to my beloved parents.


Would you buy a pie from a chef who hates their job? 
Would you go to a dentist who cares about technique, but not about your pain? 
Do you want to be treated by a doctor whose goal is not your health, but a study for their dissertation?

Many people are unhappy because they're doing the wrong job. Among the job candidates, out of 50 people, only one had a sparkle in their eyes and love for their work. This situation deeply upset me, as I saw my past self in each candidate. For years, I forced myself to do a job that went against my nature. It all ended in panic attacks and a nervous breakdown, so emotionally and mentally drained was I.

Refusing to continue doing what didn’t resonate with me, I finally found myself and felt such relief and a huge difference. It was as if I had lived my entire life in chains in a basement, and now I was released and soaring. Lightness, joy, inspiration. So this is what real life is, living as your true self!

I firmly decided to convey to people the importance of living and working in harmony with themselves and their nature, not against it. Being true to oneself in everything. Because that's when every new day starts to bring joy, and life opens doors of opportunity.

I studied various career guidance methods. Popular and obscure. Scientific and esoteric. Now there are many systems that help understand oneself and provide answers about one's purpose. But many of them lack a clear algorithm for understanding one's calling, and it's quite difficult to piece together contradictory answers. Some are very confusing or inaccurate. The Personality Elements system gave me more clear and precise answers than any other system; I was captivated by its naturalness and simplicity.
 What could be simpler and more familiar than the elements that surround us - Air, Fire, Water, Earth? Their qualities are well known to us, making it easy and interesting to study PE-psychotypes. It's clear that Fire people are passionate, Earth people are solid, Air people are light, and Water people are soft.

In many techniques, including those based on the theory of elements, I encountered three typical problems - flat typologies, scientific jargon, and vague descriptions. The Personality Elements method lacks these drawbacks. The thing is, each person has not only a primary nature but also an emotional and social one. And they can be quite different! On one hand, this creates a vivid, multi-faceted picture of your character, as complex as life itself. On the other, it gives rise to a multitude of internal contradictions, which can easily be harmonized if you don’t lump everything together.

This is a very flexible system; it doesn’t box you in but, rather, gives you freedom and unfolds your wings. You understand that you are one way in one aspect and different in another, finally resolving your contradictions and learning to "activate" different natures at different levels of your life. You naturally and effortlessly kickstart life in full gear.

You don’t need to step out of your comfort zone. On the contrary, the Personality Elements bring you back to your natural comfort zone, which you left long ago under the influence of others’ "shoulds" and your own pursuit of perfection.

Hearing about the elements, I ask you not to jump to conclusions about your nature based on your zodiac sign - "I'm a Virgo, so my nature is Earth" or draw parallels with archetypes. Personality Elements aren’t linked to the zodiac, and as I mentioned, you have a whole set of Personality Elements. It's a unique puzzle of fragments of your personality: your talents, needs, desires, perceptions, motives, and personal meanings. Knowing all this, you can create your own comfortable path in life.

Knowing your nature, you will no longer agree to what doesn’t suit you. If you are an active person, you won’t seek monotonous work. If your social role is to listen to people, you won’t work with dry reports and analytical briefs. From now on, you will know exactly what's right for you and what to avoid. This applies not just to work, but also to courses, hobbies, sports, leisure, people, others' advice, and life organization methods. "Thanks, but that's not for me!" will slip off your tongue easily and naturally.

It’s very sad to see when someone with an active nature moves to the countryside for a slow life and then climbs the walls out of boredom, or when someone inert tries to survive in the rat race of a metropolis. Eventually, both suffer and feel inadequate against the backdrop of those successful in that environment. Similarly, emotional people berate themselves for their emotions, while rational people struggle to express emotions, sometimes appearing too dry.
This book is for you if:
- You don't understand yourself, who you are, what you are like, why you act the way you do, what your strengths, abilities, and uniqueness are, how you differ from others, and why the world needs you.
- You are caught up in self-criticism and unhappy with your results.
- Your job weighs on you, but you don't know what profession would make you happy.

I recommend reading the book in order and completing the exercises at the end of each chapter in writing to maximize results and ultimately discover your calling. Writing down your answers helps you clarify your vague ideas, see them from a different perspective, and gain the necessary insights. If you only do the exercises in your head, you'll have a sense of clarity, understand roughly what you need, but won't be able to articulate a specific occupation.

You might devour the book in a couple of days out of curiosity, and then I advise you to reread it later, this time doing the exercises. I guarantee that by immersing yourself in the book, carefully examining the tables and illustrations, you will discover many new, previously unnoticed things, and the picture of your calling will now become obvious. Try not to skip the exercises, as it will be harder for you to realize your calling. After all, you piece together your personal puzzle detail by detail.

In any case, after the first reading, you will take away the minimum, what is most relevant to you right now. Later, as you integrate your first discoveries into your life and a natural new habit forms, with initial results appearing, I recommend rereading the book again. You will again discover something new for yourself - previously unnoticed, but relevant at that moment. This book is "multi-use." It unfolds gradually, level by level, deeper and deeper. And each time it qualitatively improves your life.

The Personality Elements method is as universal as life itself and reveals many secrets. It can improve many aspects of life: understand and accept yourself, then those around you, establish contact with your partner and child, improve relationships, choose a profession that you love, learn to quickly recover and recharge according to your nature, study easily and with pleasure, combine your "want" and "can," organize your day and do tasks without stress, and much more.

In this book, I've focused on understanding yourself and your professional place in life, as well as making everyday life easier and finding a general sense of life. This is the foundation you should start with to make your life easier and more joyful.

Let's get started!



- My dad always criticizes me; he says art therapy is nonsense and child's play. He wants me to find a 'real' job in a bank!
- And what is his First Personality Element?
- Earth.
-Aaah, Earth in its negative aspect dictates its own correctness to everyone and doesn't allow other, especially innovative, choices. Try talking to him in his rational Earth language with all the logical justifications.
-Hooray! He finally listened to me!!!


The whole world is made up of five primary elements, or elements: air, fire, water, earth, and space. We are also made up of them. Each primary element has its own qualities, and not just one. For instance, air is light, fire is hot, water penetrates, earth is solid, and space is boundless. Just as the world consists of them, so is a person woven from these elements, forming their individual nature.


The combination of primary elements in each person is different and given at birth according to their tasks in this life. That is, a person is born with a full set of talents necessary for easily and comfortably performing their life tasks and living happily. But very often, we neglect our strengths, instead focusing on improving weaknesses, disregarding the peculiarities of our personality and character, and striving to work on externally imposed tasks and rush towards imposed dreams. Life becomes a struggle with oneself and the world to achieve a false goal. After all, a person whose main Personality Element is air will not be able to perform the tasks of a 'water' person effectively and vice versa. Thus, by not considering our nature, we not only fail to perform our tasks and use our talents for the world's benefit, but we also exhaust ourselves, spending energy on things that are unsuitable for us and vice versa. As Einstein said, a fish climbing trees forgets its identity and becomes a 'non-bird'.

A person who has learned to listen to themselves from childhood understands perfectly what suits them and what does not. Such people don't need external systems; they don't go to fortune tellers or astrologers. But, unfortunately, this skill is atrophied in most people. As practice shows, many parents focus more on instilling obedience, constantly correcting their child according to their own perceptions. Instead of helping the child to get to know themselves and learn to use the peculiarities of their character, they view them as a successful project of their life.

There are countless primary elements in a person's character, as you, like every individual, have a completely unique personality among not only the 7 billion inhabitants of the planet, but also among all the generations of people who have ever lived. There is no one else quite like you. For simplicity, we will consider 4 main levels of nature, that is, we'll look at your 4 key Personality Elements.

The Personality Elements have their own hierarchy. Each level reveals something different. For example, if the first reflects our inner essence, our basic nature, then the second represents our aspirations, the third our thinking and perception, and the fourth shows our social role. We will delve into all of this in great detail, so you can form a complete and clear picture. You will understand that you have been unfairly criticizing yourself for certain imperfections. You will discover the perfect job for your set of qualities and what kind of life is truly comfortable for you.

The combination of a person's Personality Elements is a unique code of their nature, for example, Water-Fire-Air-Air or Earth-Water-Fire-Earth, etc. People with similar combinations are very alike in behavior and perception. When I say "Air people," it means that Air is in the first place in their set of Personality Elements, it is the main one and defines the essence of the person.
That is, the first Personality Elements determines the basic nature of the person and gives the name to the type of person — Air, Earth, Water, or Fire person. Even if the other Personality Elements are completely different. Going forward, I will shorten the term "Personality Elements" to the abbreviation PE (with the first Personality Elements in the set being 1PE, the second 2PE, etc.)
The more identical Personality Elements in your set, the stronger the manifestation of the nature of that Personality Element.

However, your main type of nature is still determined by 1PE. You will learn in this book what to do with this information and how to harmoniously combine completely opposite primary elements in one set.

As you read, you will align with your nature and discover unique combinations of Personality Elements — your talents and superpowers.


I suggest first reading the stories about all four types of nature and trying to find yourself in the descriptions, and then immediately checking the result. It's more interesting that way.

The Personality Elements method is based on Vedic astrology Jyotish, which is a compilation of ancient wisdom and has existed for over 5,000 years. The primary elements were also mentioned in his treatise "Timaeus" (around 360 BC) by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, and centuries later, they were described in his works by the founder of psychoanalysis Carl Jung ("Psychological Types", 1921). In his letter to Sigmund Freud (1911), he noted how astonishingly accurate astrology is in providing answers in complex cases of his work.

Sergey Nikiforov, the founder of the Nikiforov University, solved the problem of the unpredictability and vagueness of psychological types, which once troubled Jung. Instead of one cumulative type, he identified three separate levels of personality nature and introduced calculations based on astrology, which had once inspired Jung. Sergey Nikiforov shared the basics of his method with me, and I was struck by its simplicity and practicality. I started researching this theory and developed it further — expanding the system by adding a social level to the nature of personality, as well as other useful calculations and indicators, such as needs, to apply them beneficially in various areas of life. For example, for easily understanding one's vocation or improving partner compatibility.


Personality Elements determine not only the nature of people but also everything around us. There are, for example, "water" people, water actions, water places, water work, water books, water movies, water leisure, and even water animals. There is a water way of handling conflicts or water communications. That is, this is what suits people with the Water Personality Element and is typical for them — what reflects water qualities. The same goes for other elements.

You will learn to distinguish and consciously choose what suits your nature. Water people will tend to lead a "water" lifestyle to a greater extent to feel in their element — "like a fish in water". Earth people, correspondingly, will lead an earth lifestyle, and so on. As a result, the level of internal happiness, which is not dependent on external circumstances, increases, and life, in general, becomes better and simpler. It's as if you enter a flow of favorable wind and receive support from within.

Now let's get acquainted with different PE types of people.


In nature, there are 5 primary elements:

- Ether (space)
- Air
- Fire
- Water
- Earth

Space is emptiness, it exists everywhere, to a greater or lesser extent, but it doesn't carry properties. Rather, this PE signifies the absence of properties. For example, the emptiness in your closet or empty cavities in the human body. Therefore, we will only consider the other 4 primary elements and their differences from each other.

For ease of understanding, let's imagine that there are 4 different countries, and each of them lives by its own laws. The inhabitants of these countries are people of different PE types. When we talk about a person's PE type, we are referring to their first primary element. You remember, don't you?


The Air country is boundless, like knowledge itself. It is located in the clouds and stretches in all directions of the horizon, without end or edge. It is inhabited by curious and constantly searching Air people. They are attracted to everything mysterious, wanting to know what lies beyond the horizon and fill the gap in their knowledge, then share it with others. Therefore, they rarely stay in one place, as they get bored where everything is clear and familiar. They constantly need a breath of fresh air of novelty.

Air people live by air laws. They strive to understand the world through understanding; they study and expand it. The main law of Air people is the law of freedom. Therefore, they always strive to feel it, avoiding restrictive frameworks. They see the meaning of their lives in understanding the world. That's why they constantly learn, read, are curious about everything, and ask many questions. Without knowledge and understanding, they feel uncomfortable. That's why Air children find school easier than others, they are naturally very curious. They do not stop learning, even as adults, theoretical knowledge is their element. Air people are people of information. They have a plethora of completed courses, trainings, and seminars.

They can be called "information vacuums". They perceive the world through the filter of understanding, not action, like their active counterparts — the Fire people. Unlike Fire, Air people rarely put their knowledge into practice. However, they will ask a million seemingly unimportant questions about the details of a topic they are interested in, to know everything thoroughly, and then tell others.

Lack of information and ignorance literally paralyze them. This happens even in everyday life, where they ask questions not out of a desire to control the process, but from the need to simply know — where are you going? why? when will you return? what to prepare for dinner? And with this, they drive Earth and Water crazy.

The vast knowledge of Air people allows them to see the world much more broadly, to see far more options for solutions or developments than others. They seem to see the world in 5D. Therefore, it is difficult for them to make a final decision. Choosing one thing, they limit themselves, refusing another. As a result, Air people take a long time to make a decision, weighing the pros and cons, feeling that they are still not sufficiently informed. It costs them nothing to change their decision. They are changeable, like the wind. Narrowing their horizons and refusing to choose is very difficult for them, as there is so much interesting in the world!

My Air students ask the most questions, showing a completely different interpretation of my words. Such an interpretation of the question never even occurred to me. This greatly expands my own views on the subject. And my Air mother constantly helps me find unexpected solutions to get out of my dead ends. And I almost always exclaim in response: "I didn't even think about that, didn't suppose it was possible!"

Air people are rational and, you could say, live with their heads and in their heads. They are prone to overthinking and internal dialogue. They have many ideas, inventions, and a wide circle of acquaintances, so they can gather news and exchange interesting things. But this is not as deep emotional communication as Water. Thus, Air people, rather, satisfy their need to learn something new and not be bored.

An Air person may keep silent, evade direct answers, and be evasive if they know the answer will not please the interlocutor or lead to conflict. The thing is, Air is peace-loving, it tries to avoid heavy emotions and it's easier to dodge, change the topic or turn everything into a joke. In the Air country, there are no wars, its inhabitants are very team-oriented and strive for compromises, not pushing. However, if you severely limit an Air inhabitant, trying to make them sit within four walls and not let them explore the world, over time this can lead to a tornado. Or, to avoid a difficult conversation, a person may simply silently disappear from your surroundings. And you won't understand what happened.

Air people are very easy to communicate with and know a lot, making them interesting conversationalists and bright teachers. Also, thanks to their versatility and creativity, they can be excellent jesters and entertain the whole company. 

The more Air there is in your PE set, the more pronounced your Air nature will be.


Residents greet the dawn on a mountain or rooftop, to observe the vast expanse of the world, feeling the touch of the wind on their skin, the open spaces, and freedom. They start the morning with light positive songs, interesting news, and funny life stories, broadcasted on Air Radio.

Sipping a fresh juice on their roof, they wave to neighbors asking "How's it going? What's new?", and call friends to arrange joint plans for the day. After satisfying their first information hunger and clarifying their day's plan, they quickly get ready for work, where each time they learn or come up with something new and interesting. Airy ideas, courses, and books are popular worldwide.

They exchange knowledge and learn from each other all day, expanding their understanding. For lunch, they always try something new to taste, play fun team games, goof around, and laugh a lot. They are never bored.

In the evening, Air people go for a walk, where they blow away all their daily worries. They practice pranayama and go to bed happy and content. They dream light and carefree dreams, in which they fly to other worlds.



In the whole world, there is nothing softer and more adaptable than water, yet it erodes the hard and strong. No one can overcome it, although anyone can displace it. The adaptable overcomes the strong, the soft conquers the hard; everyone knows this, but no one dares to act accordingly. Lao Tzu, "Tao Te Ching"

The Water Country is an ocean with islands, rivers, and lakes. It can be sunny and pleasant, or there can be prolonged rains. This country seems made for rest and vacation, weather permitting. The weather in Water Country depends on the mood of its inhabitants. 

Water people feel the world, care about it, about people. Their main law is the law of sensing. They try to deeply understand everything to bring the world into harmony. Water people struggle in the modern world because their emotions are rarely accepted and understood. They seem overly sensitive, emotional, easily hurt, and vulnerable. This is because they live life through the heart. They are natural empaths. 

As the Little Prince by Exupéry said, "what is essential is invisible to the eye; one sees clearly only with the heart." And that's what Water people do better than others. They feel others' states so deeply, they don't need to ask questions. So, it might seem like they're not interested in others, not asking curious questions. But they know without words if someone is alright, and they will ask if they feel something is wrong.

They have the talent to penetrate, to reach the depth - of a person's feelings, a chosen task, or knowledge. That's why deep emotional connections with people or deep knowledge in their field of interest come naturally to them. They are the best experts in narrow niches, delving deeper and deeper into their fascinating endeavors - no diving gear needed.
With their fine sensitivity, Water people perceive life in terms of comfort/discomfort, pleasant/unpleasant, like/dislike. They strive for inner peace and pleasant emotions. Then the ocean is calm, and the sun shines. People around them feel replenished and relaxed. Water people suffer when there are conflicts, pain, and aggression around. They feel others' emotions as their own. Then the ocean storms and dark waves rise.

To fully experience life, a slow and penetrating pace is needed, unhurried, with meaning. So, they seem very slow to others. Where Air has already understood, and Fire is already acting, Water is still delving. It's important for them to feel information or situations fully. Clarity comes when waves calm down, the surface smoothes, sediment settles, and visibility improves. This requires nothing. Just stop stirring the water and wait. Give it time.

And to do something, Water people first emotionally prepare, like gathering courage before jumping into icy water. The colder the water, meaning the more unpleasant the task, the longer the preparation, or they might refuse to jump and delay as long as possible.

When emotionally ready, if the task is "cold", they do it quickly to finish it. But if the water is warm, the task pleasant, they immerse so deeply in the process that they forget to eat, see, or hear anything around and get angry when interrupted.
If rushed, they get stressed, lose their composure, and get upset. Water people are emotional, impulsive, and might do things in the heat of the moment they later regret. You've realized by now, these are people of mood.

The more Water you have in your Personality Elements  set, the more pronounced your Water nature will be.

Water residents don't hurry to jump out of bed. They start their morning pleasantly lingering in bed, tuning into a new happy day. Beautiful instrumental music plays on Water Radio, filling their hearts with love for life and harmony, making them want to embrace the whole world. The morning begins with self-hugs and close ones.

Water residents rise leisurely, stepping out of their cozy homes right onto the seashore, doing gentle yoga to the sound of the waves. At home, aromatic tea with treats awaits. They tune into their mood and start work only when enthusiasm and a deep feeling arise, which they want to share or put into their creation. If a Water person is not in the mood, they first care for their inner peace before filling others or creating a space atmosphere.

They often work from home or a cozy workshop near the sea. Clients come to them naturally. Traveling to an office risks spilling such sensitive inner feelings and losing inspiration. But some still sail to work on boats, passing through beautiful routes that fuel their enthusiasm to share harmony with people. Then they arrive at the office filled and in a great mood, and clients leave them filled and happy.

Water people don't like to interrupt their work for lunch - so captivating is their work. Thus, lunch often happens spontaneously, not on a schedule, with their favorite dishes, not something new. When tired, they go for a float on an inflatable mattress.

In the evening, a consistent family dinner awaits, sharing the day's heartfelt impressions and receiving support or compliments. Then everyone watches a soulful movie together and goes to bed as they feel. They dream happy, peaceful fairy-tale dreams.

The Fire Country is located in the crater of a huge volcano. Its residents are explosive people with burning hearts. They excel in struggle and overcoming challenges - try living on a powder keg. Fire people aim to transform the world, develop, and reform it.

 Their main law is the law of action. Hence, they constantly strive to unleash or apply their active energy. For Fire people, life in this world is simpler, as our times particularly welcome Fire and Air "concepts" and encourage fiery behavior. The fiery approach is incredibly popularized by successful people, whose methods are widely copied and idealized. It's an approach of challenge, struggle, and incredible victories.

Fire children, from a young age, seem to have ants in their pants. They are active and industrious, learning about the world through experience, always needing more than others. Such children are often diagnosed with "hyperactivity" because they have a lot of inner energy and a sea of exciting ideas they want to try right now, without considering how sensible it is. I've met many Fire children, who, according to their exhausted moms and nannies, are uncontrollable, ignore prohibitions, don't walk calmly alongside, run away on the streets, and are constantly climbing and touching things. They need constant supervision.
Fire people can't wait. If something ignites them, they dive in right away, and no obstacles can stop them. They also inspire others with their enthusiasm. The main thing is that the idea excites them, stands out from the rest; otherwise, the Fire quickly loses interest and fades.

Fire lives by the criteria of uniqueness. Their primary need is to stand out from the crowd, preferably lead it. They're an active type - if they're not creating something, working on something, or rushing somewhere, they're probably involuntarily destroying something. Their health, relationships, things... Or things around them break somehow by themselves, bulbs explode, pens break, or technology malfunctions. They're a type of bright emotions, and in the heat of the moment, they can create a lot - both useful and not so much, which others (often Earth people, for example) have to fix.

They are natural motivators, "kick-starters," creators, destroyers, leaders, and revolutionaries. They can do what others can't. And even more! Because they have a special explosive inner energy. When there's an explosion or ignition, such a person flies like a rocket and achieves the incredible.

Fire people move this world forward. It's not evolutionary development; it's a revolution, a leap to a new level. If building ships, then spacecraft. If flying into space, then to transform Mars into a habitable place.

Fire people are transformers. They change everything they touch. They create cool things, projects, change people. Or destroy. No one, spending even a little time near Fire, will remain the same.

Although Fires also vary in strength - some are like volcanoes, others like campfires, some introverts, some extroverts - among famous and successful people, there are many Fires. It's their nature to be different from everyone else. To be better, brighter. To act, throw, fall, stand up. Not to be in the shadow. At least to achieve the impossible for themselves. They're like Phoenixes - they crash and rise again. Most often, these are the bloggers in stories who are always jumping, traveling, especially with kids, motivating and energizing others. Of course, provided they haven't allowed themselves to be extinguished. In the active background of Fire people, you can't help but feel weak and unaccomplished, and their non-Fire friends and acquaintances even risk developing complexes. Don't worry. Let other Fires look up to Fires. We will measure ourselves against ourselves and choose our heroes.

The more Fire you have in your Personality Elements  set, the more pronounced your Fiery nature will be.

The Fire Country lives in turbo mode. Its residents wake up early in the morning, as soon as there's light - they're already on their feet because they have so many cool things to do that will change the world! Their morning starts with a workout to fiery music and dancing to charge up with enthusiasm for the whole day and get their energy flowing. Above each Fire resident's bed hangs a picture of their bright dream that makes them jump out of bed and do everything possible and impossible to achieve it.
In the Fire Country, there's competition; they choose a hero-victor who stands out from the others. He becomes the head of the country for 3 months and inspires others by example. And his portrait remains forever in the Hall of Fame.

Fire residents also work in other countries. They were the first to learn to overcome vast distances. Their services are always in demand - few can show such fearlessness and activity in solving problems as Fire people do. As soon as a problem or task arises, Fire immediately storms it and resolves it. As a result, each Fire resident has many trophies at home - results of their big and small victories.

During lunch break, they often go for a run or to the gym. Many issues they solve on the run, and if a Fire person gets the blues and their inner fire dims, the doctor prescribes daily climbs to the volcano and helps choose a new exciting goal.
In the evening at sunset, Fire residents perform the victory dance and fall asleep tired but satisfied. And they dream bright, colorful dreams, with many receiving cool insights from Morpheus.

What to do: Did you recognize any Fiery qualities in yourself?
The Earth Country is fruitful and flourishing, securely hidden behind high mountain walls. Its inhabitants zealously protect their territory and personal space. They dislike outsiders prying into their lives, infringing upon the fruits of their labor. They are a very persistent and meticulous people who don’t like to waste their time and resources.

Day after day, year after year, they sow seeds in the gardens of their well-being, carefully tend to the sprouts, and harvest rich yields.
Earth people accumulate and conserve resources. Their main law is the law of conservation. Therefore, they never waste their resources – be it time, energy, money, or effort – senselessly.

Earth children sometimes find it hard in groups. Earth representatives have a heightened sense of ownership, and from childhood, they don't intend to share their toys. However, parents say, "You can't be so greedy and selfish" and force them to give away toys, thus breaking the Earth child's nature. Earth people have a strong innate critical sense and need to know the reason behind every action.

If Air knows everything, Earth knows the truth. Typical Earth is self-reliant, always right, and knows best. A little Earth is an individualist with their opinion, demanding respect for its correctness. Otherwise, they quickly learn to manipulate people and hide their true feelings to ensure their interests are considered.

As they grow, Earth people become fiercely protective of everything they consider within their interest zone: possessions, apartment, family, spouse, job. They strive to control everything, keep it in their hands, and protect it from outsiders.

They have a firm grip but are selective, not taking everything indiscriminately. If Earth buys or recommends something, it can be confidently considered a quality guarantee, personally verified by them, as Earth rarely trusts anyone. And if you lose their trust, it's almost impossible to regain. Earth remembers even the child who took their favorite shovel in the kindergarten sandbox.
They value stability, reliability, and predictability. They always think of the consequences, easily assessing whether something is worth it, and if they don't see sense or personal value in something, they won't waste energy, time, or money. They can go against the crowd without making it known.

They perceive life materially – therefore, they like to touch everything, believe only facts, and quietly, away from the Fire's hustle, engage in their down-to-earth affairs. They are the best traditional businessmen – no unconsidered risks, everything is thought out, calculated, optimally organized. Only reliable schemes, analysis, and calculation. Most Earth people work a lot now to work less later or live on interest.

Earths are thrifty masters and mistresses both in household management and in life approach. They don't dissipate on trivialities, steadily pursuing their goals, while others see this as being self-reliant. They are surprised why Earth doesn't entertain with them, ignores their invitations, and often behaves suspiciously unsociably. Earth is simply uninterested in people without the same goal, deeming it a waste of time on idle chatter and pointless pastime.

Earth is rational, so they rarely openly display emotions and seem dry, even if a storm rages inside. Nonetheless, a healthy self-love of Earth (if not suppressed by guilt in childhood) can attract others like a magnet, just as our planet attracts with its gravity.

The more Earth you have in your Personality Elements set, the more pronounced your Earth nature will be.

Here reigns order and regular routine. Even the sun rises at the same time every day. Earth inhabitants sleep as much as needed for their health and comfort, starting the morning with beneficial exercises, a nutritious breakfast, and water procedures. Each chooses what they deem beneficial for themselves, even if it's coffee and pastry, and nobody looks at their neighbor. Here, curtains and privacy are respected. The radio broadcasts songs with deep meaning and value, interspersed with useful life tips and important news.

No one is late for work, as they respect their time and their colleagues'. They conscientiously perform tasks, follow instructions, and periodically make improvements to conserve their strength and enhance quality. During the lunch break, Earth residents descend to a restaurant in a green garden, sit in comfortable chairs, and if they exchange a few words, it's strictly about work. In silence or to soft jazz music, they savor the taste of the dishes.

Every evening, Earth people finish work on time and immediately receive their salary, part of which they invest in growth. On weekends, they work in their gardens, which provide them with rich nourishment. Before bed, they have a mandatory massage to relax and unload thoughts about improving life. They almost never dream, sleeping so deeply and pleasurably.
What to do: Did you recognize any Earth qualities in yourself?

Conclusions: Each of us has curiosity, determination, practicality, and sensitivity, but in varying degrees.
In these nature types, these qualities are predominant compared to others.

1) In which country would you like to live? 

2) Try living a typical day as a resident there. Could you do this for your entire life?

3) Take your favorite characters from books and movies and try to guess their type and from which country they might be.


At first glance, it seems that we are all very different! How can we live together and understand each other now? If one feels, another acts, the third comprehends, and the fourth listens only to themselves. Wars between the four countries would continue if they had nothing in common. The secret to peace and harmony lies in the fact that each primary element shares similar traits with other primary elements. All countries form camps with their neighbors based on these common qualities.


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