"We were born to be happy being ourselves"

Meaning of the Elements

Basic calculation:

1st Element -  Main, basic

Your fundamental nature: 

Air - You are thoughtful, cognitive. You are a thinker. 
Fire -  You are active, enthusiastic, eager to give a try. You are a doer. 
Water - You are sensitive and have the ability to sense more than others. 
Earth - You are practical and like to calculate efficiency ahead of time. You are an estimator.
No result  - see the comment below*
The 1st Basic Element also highlights several other aspects such as:

  • The most suitable pace for your lifestyle.
  • Activities that fulfill and exhaust you.
  • The most appropriate types of leisure and recovery.
  • Key needs and core of your predestiny and vocation.
  • Job assignments and tasks that are easy for you to complete.
  • Important working conditions and environment.
  • Conditions for specific actions to be done.
  • Your own comfort zone.
  • Compatibility with others.
  • How to transform negative aspects of your nature into good ones.
    ...and much more 

All of this information can be found in the German or English book  "Berufung? Elementar!" or obtained through private consultation with an Elements Expert (contact information below).  I recommend you also the introduction course "Elements: 4 personality types"

*If you do not know the time of your birth, the results will not include the 1st and 2nd Elements and Spheres. In this case, you will see both results with the 3rd and 4th Elements at the beginning and end of the day. To understand your 1st Element (main nature), you can experiment by trying to live all four types for some period each in the specific way. How? - consult our Elements Expert for detailed instructions.

If the note "ATTENTION! Your 1st Element Main is changing at …" appears below the result, and your time is not exact, then it is possible that your 1st Element might be the next or previous one. This is especially true if the detailed description of your main nature does not correspond to your personality. In this case, check the element closest to your timing. It may be that your birth badge has an approximate time.

2nd Element - Aspirations

Your aspirations and motivation are driven by your 2nd Element. By understanding your natural aspirations, you can motivate yourself without relying on external factors.

Aspiration sphere

Your available energy is stored in this sphere and you naturally use it in this direction. There are 12 general life spheres, each with specific areas for personal growth and development:
There are 12 general life spheres

1 - your personality and body + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
2 - life foundation for survival (nutrition, money etc) + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
3 - external and social activity + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
4 - stability and internal well-being + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
5 - investment and contributions + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
6 - duties and commitments + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
7 - to be and do together + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
8 - unknown, mystery + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
9 -  protection and safety + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
10 - determined place in life + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
11 -  receiving and taking + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)
12 - distance and detachment + a list of specific areas which are easy for you to develop and grow in (available on consultation)

The list of specific areas for realizing your potential in your profession and career you can get on consultation.

3rd Element - Emotions

Your emotional perception shapes how you see and experience the world around you. Depending on your 3rd Element, you may have a different emotional approach to life:

Air -  spacious mind
Fire -  sharp mind
Water -  intuitive mind
Earth - critical mind

Additionally, the 3rd Element provides insights into:

● your expectations
● your desires and preferences
● what attracts you and what irritates you
● the kind of people you tend to connect with
● your approach to challenges and opportunities
● your internal mission in carrier
● etc.

You can find more information about these aspects in my German or English book  "Berufung? Elementar!"  or through a private consultation with an Elements Expert (contact details below).

If you don't know your birth time, you will see both possible 3rd Elements at the beginning and end of the day. Usually, the 3rd Element remains the same throughout the day, but if you notice a change, you can consult with an expert to better understand the difference."

4th Element - Social

This Element represents your social nature, which is an important part of your occupation and communication with people.
Social Role:

Radio - easily delivers information / does not listen to others

Army - easily operates, manages and inspires / suppresses others
Heart - easily gives care and attention / complains
Veracity (Truth) - easily verifies accuracy and correctness and aspires to be useful / criticizes

Your social role can be negative, leading to complaints and even conflicts instead of appreciation from people. It's essential to transform your social nature into a positive aspect. It's also crucial to activate your social nature in harmony with your full set of Elements; otherwise, you may feel exhausted from interacting with people.

1) The person is not living according to its main nature (1st Element) and  is therefore stressed, tired, and exhausted, making it challenging to give something to people.
2) The acting in accordance with its social nature was criticized or restricted by people close to the person from an early age.
3) The person doesn't feel comfortable in the current situation or with the people around it.

You can learn about the positive and negative aspects of your social nature and how to activate it in your work by reading my German or English book  "Berufung? Elementar!"  or consulting with me.

If you don't know the time of your birth, you can see both results at the beginning and end of the day. Mostly, the 4th Element remains the same throughout the day. If not, you can read detailed information about both in the book or consult with our Elements Expert."

Consultations about your nature and job/hobby/business that you will love:

Natalia Amatulli - Elements Expert and SuperEmpathy Coach

Expanded calculation results:

Emotional sphere

This is the sphere that elicits strong feelings or powerful emotions. These emotions can be positive when everything is going well, or negative when something doesn't go the way you like or expect.

Radiance sphere

This sphere represents your natural brightness and credibility, where you radiate a lot of energy, brightness and shine.

5th Element - Development

This element is related to the features and approaches that can help you achieve success in life.

Development sphere

Development in this sphere will help to achieve success and prosperity. However, before you can achieve success, you need to overcome your fears and limiting beliefs. You also need to activate the necessary features in this sphere.

During a consultation, you can also learn how this sphere influences your vocation

6th Element - Expertise

These are the features and approaches that come naturally and easily to you.

Expertise Sphere

This sphere is instinctively familiar to you, and you can achieve quick results in it. It's important to remember that this sphere should not be the main focus of your self-fulfillment or occupation, but rather serve as a foundation for them.

During a consultation, you can learn how to best utilize this sphere in a way that complements and supports your overall goals.

7th Element - Transformation

This is your super talent that may initially seem annoying or negative, but can ultimately support you in life. It's an inner power that needs to be transformed to become a constructive special power. Life lessons will activate the necessary transformation, especially in the transformation sphere. When you draw the right conclusions from situations and start feeling a connection with the Universe, your 7th Element can reveal itself in the following ways:

Influence - Initially, you may feel under-regarded and use other people to satisfy your self-esteem. But later, you will feel the support of the Universe inside of you and take responsibility for others.
- At first, you may worry a lot without taking any action. But eventually, you will feel the Universe's care inside of you and take caring actions for others.
- Initially, you may consider yourself smarter than everyone else around you. But later, you will share your knowledge and ideas with people, considering yourself just a guide or channel of this information for others.
- At first, you may feel powerless deep inside and try to force others to deliver what you need. But later, you will feel the capability and potential inside you given by the Universe, and you will achieve big goals for the world.
- Initially, you may feel unloved and start to attach yourself to people. But later, you will feel the Universe's love inside of you and invest your love in creating beauty and art.
Wisdom - Initially, you may feel a sense of deficiency and keep everything to yourself. But later, you will share generously, feeling the plenitude of the Universe inside of you.
- Initially, you may be cold-hearted and too severe with people. But later, you will feel the power of the Universe's mercy and practice self-giving.
- Initially, you may feel alone and choose to depend on different things (bad habits), actions, or people. But later, you will feel your own significance and full value as a part of the Universe.

Transformation sphere

This sphere provides the most life lessons as you transform your weaknesses into strengths. 

8th Element - Temporarily Active

This element represents the features that are temporarily activated for the current period of your life, in order to achieve the best possible results.  This element shanges several times during the life.